Membership Center

Welcome to the CC&GTCC Membership Center! Here you will find all the information you need about our members as well as all the information you need to become a member. The Membership Center is divided into the following sections:

  • Online Application - apply online for membership to the club! Accepts most credit/debit cards & paypal.
  • Online Renewal - renew your membership to the club online. Accepts most credit/debit cards & paypal.
If you do not wish to apply on-line, you can download a membership application here.

Benefits of Membership:

  • Club magazine - The Casino Chip and Token News
  • Access to dozens of books in the club Library.
  • Superior trading status - as a member of the CC&GTCC, people will be more trusting in their trade transactions with you because they know you're bound by the Code of Ethics. Additionally, members prefer to trade with other members, and in fact, some people will only trade with club members.
  • Ability to vote for the Chip Of The Year, Silver Strike Of The Year, Token Of The Year, and Card/Key Of The Year.
  • You can pre-register for the convention.
  • Receive 10, 15, 20 & 25yr membership pins (not applicable for associate members).
  • You can attend the Early Bird Banquet before the convention.
  • You can be listed in the public, online Club Directory (along with your email and website URL) for others to learn about you and your collecting interests
  • You will develop life-long friendships with other club members.
  • You receive a membership card and are entitled to use the club logo on your business cards and web pages.
  • You get to have a vote in the direction of the most influential organization in the hobby.
  • You have access to the full Club Directory that contains many names and addresses not available in the public, online directory.
  • You have membership of the ChipGuide website providing access to advanced functions such as website customization and the ability to track and share your collection, trade and wants lists through the My Collection feature.
  • You have the honor of belonging to an organization that takes its ethics and codes of conduct very seriously.
  • You have the honor of belonging to an organization dedicated to the preservation of part of our nation's history.


Types of Membership and Membership Rates (all funds in U.S. dollars):
Member TypeDescriptionRate
Life MemberEnjoys full membership privileges with no further annual dues. Regular members become eligible for Life Membership after completion of three years of membership. One time age graduated fee equal to
15, 20 or 25 times the current
Regular Member rate as stated in the
Regular MemberEnjoys full membership privileges.$35.00 per year
Corporate MemberSee Club Constitution for further info. Cost to be determined
Foreign MemberRegular membership for those residing outside the United States. Includes first class mailing.$48.00 per year
Associate MemberMust be related to a Charter, Regular or Life member. Associate members do not receive Casino Chip and Token News magazine.$5.00 per year
Optional/Additional Fees:
First Class MailCC&TN mailed first class to your home address. Without First Class Mailing, CC&TN is mailed third class.$14.00
Overseas Life MembersCC&TN mailed first class to your home address.$20.00